In this era of advancing mobile technologies, if you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner looking into the mobile application industry, it is wise to capitalize on the fact that your customers are spending more time with their phone.

Mobile applications clearly hold the future in enhancing customer experience with the technology coming of age due to advances in security, connectivity, user friendliness and performance.

The new generation of iOS, Andriod and Windows based mobile devices offer excellent flexibility and ease of use. Mobile applications allow you to enhance your market presence with the kind of ubiquity they offer.

We design and build mobile applications that are user friendly, elegant, secure and facilitate easy and quick data processing. We use a new robust technology that allows quick development of cross-platform mobile apps using agile method.

Cross platform mobile application development

Cross Platform Mobile Applications

Mobile application development process has 7 distinct stages

Envisioning the nature and direction of the project
A clear understanding of the application features, its target customers and target handsets/platform is taken into consideration. This makes for a firm ground to develop an app that meet your business requirements.
User interface prototype
A graphical overview of the proposed service structure is prepared. It depicts all of the screens within the service and the relationships between them.
Development using agile method
We use agile method for development that uses minimum resources and ensures that you get the highest quality product within the stipulated time frame. The mobile application is developed for the primary platform, keeping in mind the usability and customer friendliness.
Testing and QA
This stage of application development mainly focuses on testing and the removal of bugs, discrepancies and network issues. The mobile application is thoroughly tested on actual handsets; this includes both functionality and performance.
Porting (if needed) and deployment to app store
Porting is not just about porting the code to a new platform; it is also about porting the user experience. Depending on the target platform/s, on some devices porting is straight forward. For others it might include development and changing the navigation flow of the application. The application is then certified and deployed to the Apple App Store or Android Market
Showcase website
For standalone applications, a website would be created to showcase your app. The website would be responsive and optimized for mobile browsers and linked to your application on the App Store. This would make it easy for customers to buy directly from the website.
The mobile application is ready to reach its customers and generate leads. The promotional needs, target audience and demographic requirements are considered to generate a customized plan for marketing the mobile application.

We're always looking for the next great project to collaborate on, fill out our project planner and let us see how we can help make your business dream a reality.

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